Needle-Free Treatments at Synerqi
At Synerqi, we understand that not everyone is comfortable with the idea of needles, which is why we offer a range of personalised, non-invasive alternatives to acupuncture. Our treatments include cold laser therapy, electro-stimulation (Pachi), cupping, herbal medicine, and ear seeds (Vaccaria seeds) applied to auricular points. These methods are designed to address various health issues while ensuring your comfort needs are being met. Whether you’re looking to alleviate pain, reduce stress, or improve overall well-being, we are committed to customising your treatment plan to meet your unique health goals. We provide the care you need in the way that works best for you.

Cold laser therapy, electro-stimulation


Personalised Herbal Formulas

Ear Seeds (Vaccaria Seeds)
Call us today or book online to get the care you deserve.
[1] Xue, X., Jia, C., Yang, B., Zhang, X., Mao, M., Wang, Y., … & Xu, S. (2022). Effect of Electro acupuncture on Insomnia in Patients With Depression: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 5(6), e2217555.