Anxiety: Is there an Acupuncture needle for it?
Anxiety and its symptoms
If you struggle with anxiety, you might often feel tension, distress, or nervousness. These feelings can lead you to avoid certain situations, limiting your interactions and affecting your daily life. Anxiety is a common mental health condition that causes persistent worry, fear, or unease, making it hard to get through the day. You may experience symptoms like restlessness, difficulty concentrating, nausea, or a racing heartbeat, which adds to your emotional distress.
Between 2020 and 2022, over 1 in 6 Australians aged 16 to 85 experienced an anxiety disorder, with young people and females particularly affected 1. If you find yourself withdrawing from social interactions and feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. While occasional anxiety is normal, severe anxiety can be debilitating and interfere with your daily life. Some individuals find relief through treatments like acupuncture, which promotes relaxation and helps manage anxiety.
What does research say about acupuncture and its benefits for anxiety?
A 2013 study aimed to compare the effectiveness of an integrative treatment approach, including therapeutic acupuncture, with conventional treatment in alleviating anxiety among primary care patients. Participants were randomly divided into two groups: one received therapeutic acupuncture alongside standard primary care, while the other received only conventional treatment methods, such as counseling and medication.2
Results indicated that the integrative treatment group experienced significantly greater reductions in anxiety and overall psychological distress compared to the conventional treatment group. The study concluded that incorporating therapeutic acupuncture into standard primary care treatments can provide substantial benefits for patients dealing with anxiety, enhancing the effectiveness of conventional treatment approaches.3
What our practitioners will do
At Synerqi, we have extensive experience helping clients manage anxiety, and it’s an area of special focus for us. Our dedicated team is committed to working with you to improve your well-being and help you navigate through anxiety. We encourage you to continue any prescribed medications and consult with your doctor before making any changes. Our goal is to collaborate with your healthcare providers to support you in achieving your health goals and finding relief from anxiety.
Call us today or book online to get the care you deserve.
1Australian Bureau of Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from abs.gov.au
2Arvidsdotter, T., Marklund, B., & Taft, C. (2013). Effects of an integrative treatment, therapeutic acupuncture and conventional treatment in alleviating psychological distress in primary care patients–a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 13(1), 308 bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com
3Arvidsdotter, T., Marklund, B., & Taft, C. (2013). Effects of an integrative treatment, therapeutic acupuncture and conventional treatment in alleviating psychological distress in primary care patients–a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 13(1), 308 bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com